On the last trip, we had a problem with the water system in the van. At home, I filled up the tank and then, when I tried to turn the water pump on I could see the water drain out of the bottom of the van. I looked in all the interior compartments but could not see any water leaks. Then I removed the toilet cassette – and there was the offending problem. One of the pipe joints had got dislodged and so needed the jubilee clip loosening, the joint re-fitting and then tightening up the clip. Problem solved!

Our friends had invited us to a small gathering at their place in Farnham Common. Such an amazing place! Lovely house and deer in the garden. But the house only has one bedroom, and whilst we could have slept on the sofa we decided to take the van (and therefore, the dog) so we had somewhere to sleep.

Got to Dave & Vanessa’s at about 5pm. Then the other guests arrived. Had plenty to drink and food. All in all, a great night. There were nearly as many dogs as people but Bowie was really well-behaved and kept away from the other dogs. In the morning we walked the dogs and then, after breakfast, drove home.